14th September 2018
Mesure the velocity of your fluids with utrasound
Testing and analysis techniques to monitor your equipments, materials and structures to reduce maintenance costs.
Non-invasive monitoring technique using ultrasound
Study of the propagation of sound in water for oceanology, defense, fishery…
Piezoelectric vibration absorbers for a large range of applications
Make the most of your vibrations: turn your them into electricity !
High-performance valves for the hydraulic sector
A unique and innovative technology for renewable energy
Innovative piezoelectric generator for renewable energy
Use of piezoelectric transducers to detect ice and defrost equipments
Piezoelectric actuators adapted to your solution
High-efficiency power transmission technology
Piezoelectric vibration absorbers for a large range of applications
Testing and analysis techniques to monitor your equipments, materials and structures to reduce maintenance costs.
Study of the propagation of sound in water for oceanology, defense, fishery…
A unique and innovative technology for renewable energy
Innovative piezoelectric generator for renewable energy
Make the most of your vibrations: turn your them into electricity !
Use of piezoelectric transducers to detect ice and defrost equipments
High-efficiency power transmission technology
High-performance valves for the hydraulic sector
Mesure the velocity of your fluids with utrasound
Non-invasive monitoring technique using ultrasound