SPyMS’ launch
SPyMS’ launch
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SPyMS’ launch


29th September 2022


Labcom’s unveiling 

Last February, we announced with CentraleSupélec the creation of a common laboratory to develop, synthesize, characterize and analyze electroactive materials of tomorrow.

Some members of our team were present on the campus of Université Paris Saclay on the 9th of September to unveil the SPyMS in the presence of :

  • Frédéric Mosca, CEO of PYTHEAS Technology
  • Romain Soubeyran, Director of CentraleSupélec
  • Pierre-Eymeric Janolin, Professor at CentraleSupélec and Director of the SPyMS
  • Alice Aubry, R&D Engineer at PYTHEAS Technology et Codirector of the SPyMS.


By the way, two positions are open to work with us on this subject:

SPyMS’ launch
SPyMS’ launch